,proXLence Inc,Professional Excellence in Continuum...,Coaching for Influencing Customers/ Clients,Coach-to-Influence...
Weapons of Influence

Every one talks. Every one tells their customer - A few can sell! Selling is a process of influencing!

We coach you so as to enable you to influence your customers/ clients; thus you sell effectively for we believe that telling is no selling. The techniques are so proven that once learnt one makes it a life partner at work & at home too. We practice international proven methods to ensure, insulate & insure effective work to get the planned results...

These are coaching methods using weapons of influence that work on the target result areas. Simple, practice oriented, realistic, easy to understand methods are taught in a workshop spanning over 24 hours – 3 sessions – full of interesting & innovative role plays & actions. The benefits are seen instantly and in a sustainable manner.

To begin with Pharma Comapnies can send their Brand Managers, Business Managers, Customers like Doctors & Para-medical stuff for them to effectively communicate their inhouse customers/ in-clinic customers and all who matter in their business. The field sales persons can benefit from this program like never before.

Any one who wants to influence the other person with focused communication must go through this program & sharpen the weapons to grow in respective business areas!

We coach with strong working bond with HRD functions of the client organizations & individual business professionals. Post program performance is proportionately dependant on the pre-program human inventory status.  Conditions apply.

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Land phone: +91 33 24555533

Faccimile: +91 33 24549280

Hand phone: +919830012081

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