,proXLence Inc,Professional Excellence in Continuum...,SIMPLEARNINGS

Managerial Leadership

Dear MLA (Managerial Leadership Aspirant),

We all have it. It forms the number 8 – the number that is usually written with one stroke of the pen. Let us share the power of 8 with all of you.


  1. Attitude (A) is the quality (Q) & direction (D) of one’s thought process. Q+D = A. You think you can; you think you can’t; either way you are right but if you think you can’T – begin with T – Think why I can’t? You have the right Q+D, you will get the right answer. Try it.
  2. Dreams are desires unclear in mind. See the true picture of your dreams – may be you would find that you want to build a brand in you as a managerial leader. Don’t stop dreaming even if you are far from realizing it. Dreams kicks you to wake and act. 
  3. Passion is running the extra mile even after the race is over. Study an eagle – it flies up at the highest altitude of all the birds only to enjoy flying and not to find its prey only. Have the passion to break all limits and reach where eagles dare.
  4. Courage is born when the child is born. Courage to nurture & grow the new child in all adverse conditions. Courage comes from the passion to hone the skills to nurture the new born – your managerial leadership.
  5. Result is the water that flows in to the desert after digging the canal over hours, days, months & years. Result is to see the green sprout on the desert soil. Your hard work shall result in an effective managerial leadership if you have the attitude, a dream, the passion, the courage in place.
  6. Luck is the meeting point of your mental alertness and the opportunity passing by. Do you feel lucky when you read this?
  7. Opportunity is there in the air you breathe, the sound you hear, the objects you touch, the fragrance you sniff & Nutrition you taste. Opportunity is the new born in your hand to nurture your managerial leadership.
  8. Winner is one who goes out to fill his hand with results, feel his mind with peace of doing good work and fill his coffer with tangibles. Winner always inhales – I can and exhales I will. 

Do you have all these 8 thoughts working in your mind 24x7? If yes, you are going to make the new born – Managerial Leadership – a winner & a great success.If no, you are equally lucky provided you want a change in your life. It's a paradigm shift! Get in touch with us - we are your new friends who would give both palms of the hands upside down. Don't hesitate - life a great experience - make it greater.


SIMPLEARNING: Simple Learning:

Strategic Thinking
A company's values must be instilled throughout the organization. Only then is it possible for decisions to be made quickly at every level, giving the firm the necessary flexibility in the face of change. In the absence of Strategic Thinking a company may appear to be a formula1 machine without a steering wheel. Ask us your questions!


Business Analysis
A business assessment is an audit using "best practices" to identify low- and high-impact and low- and high-performing areas. The business review focuses on the appropriate issues to determine whether a company is on plan and meeting customers' needs. Business Analysis also feeds back to the system whether the planned progress is being made or not. It’s like periodic health check up & frequency of doing Business Analysis may vary from company to company but this must be the practice within the company. Ask us your questions!


Industry Trend Analysis
Studying a past industry trend to anticipate future patterns will help determine where business opportunity might exist. This is an exercise that helps in forecasting too. Ask us how to develop a sniffing habit with statistics!


Product Placement
Introducing a new product requires extensive market research and a well-crafted marketing plan before bringing the product to market. The time and money spent on strategic thinking and plan development will save multiples of the actual cost later on. It’s like giving birth to a well planned baby, parenting the baby wisely and nurturing the baby with healthy milestones set. Ask us how to do it adequately well!


Product Management
Effective product management involves determining the best product price, placement, promotion and packaging to obtain high return on investment. Ask us about determining the life cycle of a product! Ask us about how to plan, build and secure the perceptual strength in the product and how to give the product sound character strength.


Sales Force Effectiveness
A sales force is a group of professionals. Sales Force Development should be an integral part of the company’s program as well as sales team building.  Every sales team needs the necessary support to go out and sell the company's product. Sales force effectiveness is the barometer of the of the company’s training function. This, if is strong, shows the world that the company is going places. Ask us how to make sales force more effective.


Change Management
Change is inevitable. The best executives foster an environment that can adapt to change and thrive in chaos. If you don’t get better of change, change will get better of you. This is easier said than done. Ask us – how to?

Customer Relationship Management – CRM

Organizations are required to "monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements."  One must know ISO requirements but what is more important over and above the ISO is innovation in customer relationship management. We offer CRM packages customized to companies. We also offer Customer Service Consulting. Ask us!


Purpose of living drives us all to the next event in life. Is the next event truly connected to the purpose? How often do we check it?

Opportunity keeps passing by. Our mental alertness is the catalist that processes it. Only a few are lucky to have the fusion between the mental alertness and the opportunity passing by. Do you wanna be one?

Strength of the body is nurished by the will of the mind. If body has to work longer, harder and smarter then the mind has got to be lubricated & nurtured continuously - the methods are many - self talk in solitude works well.

Sobriety is reflected in our behavior. The actual chemistry happens between the quality & direction of our thought process. A sobre person in not a weak one - it is his choice to remain sobre. He is firm, not stern. He is reasonable, not obstinate.

Individuality is like the fore heads and chins of 6.15 billion human being - each one is different from the other.

Bribe your mind to work harder by giving it a dose of transcendental meditation every day - the gain is yours.

I can - I will. Everyone says it. I do - I do - I do is the religion of the iconoclasts.

Learning in a classroom happens benefitting the teacher more for we know the students have only one but the teacher has many teachers across the students.

Insure communication by checking the temparature of the 'said' or 'done'

Target the unreasonable. Only wisdom can teach you this.

Inspect with respect and not with suspect.

Sincerity is like finding the thirsty with a jug of potable water in hot summer in hand.

Measure all achievement only to excel and not to seek recognition - it comes with time and for the quality & quantity of achienements.   

POSSIBILITISM is a concept - please do not draw conclusions - it's only fare to discuss - you are welcome.

Assumptions that help in effective communication and building rapport for greater results:

1.    Appreciate the other person’s point of view – respect the other person’s world

2.   Action or change in action in anyone’s behavior should be seen in the light of the perspective, context, frame of reference and the hygiene factors – both mental & physical

3.   Objection raised by the person opposite you – may be a customer, friend or an acquaintance reflects discord in the wave length – Lack of RAPPORT. There is no resistant client but there is hazy/ ill-transparent communication. Effective communicator accepts the raised objection as an opportunity and not as a block

4.   People are people – accept their behavior and then try changing those

5.   Everyone tries to do the best with the known resources – positive strokes discover the unknown resources and allow better performance

6.   Tune up or calibrate with the other person’s behavior since that is the most important information you have about the other person

7.   The words we use are not the event that those endeavor to represent – it’s the interpretation of the words/ transparency in transmission that make the event. Saying - “India is my country” does not bring out the geographical/ philosophical history of the country despite a genuine emotional scent is attached by the speaker  

8.   You are the owner of your feelings, thoughts and actions. Your today is the product of your yesterday

9.   Mind is always resourceful – either in a dormant state or in active state. In other words person is either alert or absent in thinking; thus he is either in resourceful state or in blank state

10.  All interactions/ transactions or procedures must add value towards TOTALITY – thus towards ONENESS

11.  Achievement or failure is a response to an action or series of actions – the response of feedback should be understood/ realized by the receiver of the feedback

12.  Effect of communication can be measured only by the response/ action it evoked

13.  Lateral thinking brings more options on the table for the participants to try different methods towards success

14.  Inspect with respect to secure better prospect

15.  Lead by example rather than by instructions/ orders

16.  A leader is known by the number leaders one has created and not by the number of followers one has/ had

17. Judge not. You will not be judged. Give feedback instead.

18. Wisdom is the healthy child born out of the holy wedlock between knowledge and experience

19. Respect is like a playing squash. Give more intensely you get more cordially.

20. Observation is the greatest skill which is sharper than the sharpest sword   

At proXLence we practice what we preach and practice how to build human capital in every working soul!

Good luck to you.

Team proXLence

We work with strong working bond with HRD functions of the client organizations. Post program performance is proportionately dependant on the pre-program human inventory status.  Conditions apply.


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